Grace Thoughts on Now

I just wanted to write after a long time of not writing through this medium. I love to write but I am my own worst critic. I sit down and start writing and I just cannot abide posting it. The interesting side to this is that sometimes I save what I write, come back to it and say, this is not so bad after all. Is my standard dropping or I need to judge myself less harshly? lol! Talking of what I cannot abide, I was watching the Mo's search mini series on Ebony Life TV and was just cringing. This is not about the production or the station as a whole, it was just me and the contestants. I was just feeling like it was me messing up my lines in the auditions. ARRGHH.... I would be like "calm down" to the contestants that were running their lines too fast, "drop the accent" to those who were trying too hard to be "Oyinbo". I guess I was just projecting my fears on the contestant on a pre recorded show, that I had to control over the outcome. I guess we all need to cut ourselves some slack and let go. Like one song writer said "Let go and let God". I need to do that more often. Writing this was not really too bad , was it now? (question to self) Ciao! and God Bless.


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